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![]() An Online Chat with Jessica Steen
From: The Sci-Fi Channels Dominion
Chat Room
Date: February 24, 1998 9:00PM
<Moderator> Hello, Jessica?
Can you speak? <Jessica
Steen> I hope so... <Moderator> Great!
<Jessica Steen> Hey group! Hi! <Jessica
Steen> I'm coming at ya from Hollyweird! Thanks for joining us.
Let <Moderator> <George-Cifrancis>
to <Moderator>: Hi Jessica, it is George from <Jessica Steen> (laughs) Something that you DON'T already know, George? <Jessica
Steen> I can't imagine that I could tell you anything except maybe my
Steen> Let's see...I am one of the pilots of one of the two shuttles
<Moderator> <Earth2Fan>
to <Moderator>: What did you enjoy most about working
<Jessica Steen> Being in Santa Fe. <Jessica Steen> All the crew. <Jessica Steen> ...who have remained, a good portion of them, great friends. <Jessica
Steen> We had a little reunion the other day and it was really nice
to <Jessica
Steen> I liked being outdoors. And I liked my gal Julia!
<Moderator> <SkyKing>
to <Moderator>: Do you enjoy being cast in sceince
<Jessica Steen> Science fiction has been very very good to me! (laughs) <Jessica Steen> And so I couldn't say "no" to that question. <Jessica
Steen> I have an active imagination, which is always fun to stimulate.
<Moderator> <Zila>
to <Moderator>: who was at the E2 reunion you <Jessica
Steen> Let's see...of the cast, John Gegunhuber, Clancy Brown and
<Jessica Steen> And the rest was crew - hair, makeup, lighting, props. <Jessica Steen> Debra was out of town so she couldn't make it but wanted to. <Jessica Steen> I hope I'm not forgetting anyone else that came... <Jessica Steen> Kirk Trutner was there too. <Jessica Steen> We had a blast! <Jessica
Steen> And we missed all you guys!!! <Moderator> <blag>
to <Moderator>: Jessica, is there any way for us to find
Steen> I don't believe so, because there was never a "bible" created
<Moderator> <Atrus>
to <Moderator>: "Sliders is being picked up by The SciFi
Steen> Not that I have heard, but I'd be keen and if they can do
<Moderator> <FuzzyEuclid>
to <Moderator>: Armageddon: what's the time <Jessica
Steen> Contemporary, but the shuttles themselves are a lot more
Steen> And mission control is also bigger, better, fancier - all the
<Moderator> <Earth2Fan>
to <Moderator>: I run an Earth2 website myself so of
Steen> I hate to admit that I'm such a dinosaur, but I don't posess
a <Jessica
Steen> So I don't see as much of your hard work as I would like.
I <Moderator> <pressbutton>
to <Moderator>: What was it like working with Bruce
Steen> A great bunch of people. A significantly larger number
of men <Jessica
Steen> Bruce himself is a wonderful host - he sets a great tone for
<Jessica Steen> He's of course very funny. <Jessica Steen> He's a very generous actor. <Jessica
Steen> Ben Affleck, Steve Buscemi, Will Patton, Peter Stormare,
<Jessica Steen> let's see...who else do I go up in space with? <Jessica Steen> Those were all the boys I went into space with. <Jessica Steen> Not bad, huh? <Jessica
Steen> And Billy Bob Thorton and Liv Tyler remain grounded at mission
<Moderator> <Niffer>
to <Moderator>: Jessica, what was it like playing a rape
<Jessica Steen> I spent the entire week in kind of a "dark place." <Jessica
Steen> I can't imagine many things more traumatizing to have happen
to <Jessica
Steen> I felt fortunate to have the opportunity to investigate those
Steen> And I have intense sympathy for anyone who's suffered such a
<Moderator> <EdenProject>
to <Moderator>: Jessica, you were great in Trial &
<Jessica Steen> (laughs) <Jessica Steen> I WANTED to, they wouldn't let me. <Jessica
Steen> The gal who played my double was smaller in stature than I was
<Jessica Steen> But I got to ride it...on the back of a flatbed. <Jessica Steen> Close, but no cigar. <Jessica
Steen> ...probably just as well. <Moderator> <me> to
<Moderator>: any other shows youll be on in the future we
<Jessica Steen> God, I hope so! <Jessica
Steen> I was late for this chat because of an audition. It's "pilot
Steen> I believe my mother's listening - I may be coming home to work
<Moderator> <George-Cifrancis>
to <Moderator>: Did you have to do any <Jessica
Steen> First of all, George, my infinite gratitude to you for all your
Steen> I am reproachful in my correspondence on paper without even
<Jessica Steen> and I PROMISE I will be in touch. <Jessica
Steen> As for your question: we are still waiting to hear on the
<Jessica Steen> We should know very shortly. I'm dying to go up! <Jessica
Steen> The only thing they've been able to use so far is cranes
<Moderator> <Doc-Devotee>
to <Moderator>: Are you aware there is another <Moderator> <Heller>
to <Moderator>: Jessica, you were very sweet to your fans
Steen> I heard a rumor last year about it. I haven't heard anything
Steen> July is *lifetimes* away...if it's in Santa Fe or New Mexico,
Steen> The fans of Earth2 blew all of us away with their incredible
<Moderator> <bortai>
to <Moderator>: How was filming Earth 2 - a mostly
Steen> I found it to be one of the better elements of Earth 2.
It was <Jessica
Steen> So I would rather do that, given my druthers.
<Moderator> <Orlando>
to <Moderator>: In Earth 2, was your character a <Jessica Steen> I didn't see her that way. <Jessica
Steen> No, she was an observer. At worst, she was an informer.
But I <Jessica
Steen> And in the end, she redeemed herself and turned her back on the
Steen> Did YOU see her as a saboteur? <Moderator> <Beowulf>
to <Moderator>: In regards to the cancellation of E2,
Steen> Yeah, there was a growing inkling in the last few months of
Steen> And so we had a good idea that it might not come back.
<Moderator> <tecolote>
to <Moderator>: A question, could you explain the <Jessica
Steen> Tell Mr. Tecolote, I can see you're a huge fan of Julia
<Jessica Steen> As for seeing a clear description...neither did I. <Jessica Steen> As I said, there was no bible giving a clear description of it. <Jessica
Steen> I filled in the blanks by assuming with all the advances in
<Moderator> <Zila>
to <Moderator>: you were on Loving for a short while and so
<Jessica Steen> First of all...ouch! <Jessica
Steen> I filled in only for 4-5 weeks for the pregnant Noel Beck and
Steen> So, Earth 2 was the first place I met her.
<Moderator> <Kat>
to <Moderator>: Hi Jessica :) I'm from Brazil and I really
Steen> I'm embarassed to say that I haven't had the pleasure of
Steen> As for Julia and Alonzo...(laughs)...I don't know what to say
<Jessica Steen> Who knows? Sure...anything could be happening at this point! <Jessica Steen> He's not hard on the eyes, that's for sure! <Jessica
Steen> And they had a good rapport, so at this point - heck, they
<Moderator> <pressbutton>
to <Moderator>: What was the most fun you ever <Jessica
Steen> The most fun I ever had on a project was when I turned 19 I got
Steen> And I was new enough to the business, and it was a stunning
Steen> (Although the "real actor" part suffered some under later
Steen> It was called "Striker's Mountain," and I just had one of the
<Moderator> <Pleistoscene>
to <Moderator>: I enjoyed Jessica's work on CAPTAIN
<Jessica Steen> First of all, I love "Pliestoscene" (the name). <Jessica
Steen> I had requested - it was one of my stipulations for doing the
Steen> The nature of the show, with its post-apocalyptic
Steen> And make a decision towards the end of the first season as to
Steen> As a result of how well the toy didn't do at Christmas and
Steen> I went out with a bang, not a whimper.
<Moderator> <FuzzyEuclid>
to <Moderator>: if E2 had no "bible" and only a <Jessica
Steen> For the first four episodes, I felt very lost with very
Steen> It was scary. But they MADE her somewhat ambiguous partially
Steen> When they came to me and said they had this idea that I
Steen> ...because I know how seriously the fan base takes their
Steen> So I wanted to put the spin on it that she *felt* she was doing
<Moderator> <Steph-FRG>
to <Moderator>: Hi..I am from Germany...will there be
Steen> If I was invited, I would go. Not being one of the "top"
stars <Moderator> <pressbutton>
to <Moderator>: Can you tell us a little about the
<Jessica Steen> The Western Canadian Wilderness Comittee... <Jessica Steen> (looking for URL) <Jessica
Steen> they do incredible work to save areas of Canada that are
Steen> The David Suziki Foundation,
also located in Vancouver, do <Jessica Steen> (found one address): <Jessica
Steen> Problems with environmental standoffs with industry and
Steen> The last organization that I'm involved in is the WSPA - the
Steen> And they're world wide and they do rescue missions, whether
Steen> My concerns are mostly for animals and the environment, who
<Moderator> <FuzzyEuclid>
to <Moderator>: What is your favorite science <Jessica
Steen> Well, it's funny - the first piece of science fiction that
Steen> I read it in high school and it's always sort of stuck in my
Steen> I'm going to read it again. <Moderator> Atrus> to
<Moderator>: "Just wanted to say I think your <Jessica
Steen> I feel like that question should be directed to George - he
Steen> Like I said, it's pilot season and having worked on Armageddon
Steen> We just finished shooting last week, so I haven't been
Steen> I'm just getting back out there, pounding the pavement again.
<Moderator> Thanks for
taking the time to chat with us! Any final thoughts
Steen> Thank you so much for all your support and for "tuning in," if
Steen> I'm blessed to have people like yourselves who show an interest
<Jessica Steen> I look forward to having this opportunity again at some point. <Jessica
Steen> Keep your fingers crossed...I could use a job! (laughs) And
Steen> Over and out. ---END OF TRANSCRIPT--- |
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