Episode Information: #324 FULL MOON (Original air date: 05/04/97) Written
by: Glenn Berenbeim Guest Cast Carl Atwater Chris
Noth As Ed Bingham
prepares for a ceremony to honor his heroic efforts as a fireman, his
wife, Sarah receives a terrifying letter. Carl Atwater, the man who raped
her six years ago is eligible for parole. Frightened of Ed's reaction
if he found out, Sarah conceals the letter from him. Instead she visits
a Crisis Center and meets Tess, the receptionist, and Monica, a counselor.
Although the caseworker angel fails to draw Sarah out, the
distraught mother invites her to attend the parole hearing. There Sarah
is crushed when Carl, who apparently found God in prison, is released.
Despite a briefing by Andrew, his parole officer, Carl violates the most
important condition of his parole by making contact with Sarah. Although
he merely seeks her forgiveness, she panics, threatening him with garden
clippers. Monica urges her to report Carl, but Sarah refuses. The angel
does, however, convince her to confide in her husband. Meanwhile,
Andrew witnesses Carl's simmering anger that his ex-wife, Emily will not
let him see their son. Sarah reluctantly shows Ed the letter regarding
Carl's release, and his annoyance is interrupted when their daughter,
Lorrin, has a nightmare. The next morning, the couple encounters Carl,
who is working as a bagger in a supermarket. Ed loses his temper and attacks
the ex-con. Later, the Binghams visit Monica where years of unspoken recrimination
and blame for the rape come to the forefront. Unbeknownst to his wife,
Ed goes to a gun store and starts the process to purchase a pistol. After
a sleepless night, he is unable to respond to a fire. Carl, in the meantime,
grouses to Andrew that reforming his life is not so easy. The angel responds
that quoting the Bible isn't enough, Carl has to start living it. Afterwards,
he doesn't realize that Ed is stalking him while he himself is stalking
Emily, and Andrew is observing the both of them. Upon returning home,
Ed and Sarah argue when he won't divulge his whereabouts. The next day-six
days after he started the paperwork-the fireman picks up his gun. He catches
Carl breaking into Emily's house and plans to shoot him. Andrew reveals
himself to both men, while Monica appears to Sarah. When asked where
God was during the rape, the angel responds, "in the voice of a child."
Then baby Lorrin's tears stopped Carl from killing Sarah, which was his
original plan. The police arrest him, and Tess informs him that God can
still help him find his way.
Last update: August 24, 2002 6:06 AM |